Group Read Rules
Creating the Category Rotation List | Rules for Categories | The Official Group Reads |
Creating the Category Rotation List
If the original nominator of a category is unavailable, the seconder, if any, takes over running the category's read. If the seconder isn't available or lead the last read, or is scheduled to lead the next, the third will take over. Should neither the nominator, the second nor the third be available, the official listmaker will post asking for volunteers to lead the category. If, in the next three days, more than one person volunteers, the official listmaker will make a random choice. If no one volunteers during the next three days, the official listmaker may either A. take the category herself; B. decide to skip to the next category on the list; or C. arbitrarily choose and lead a category herself.
Anyone joining alt.discuss.books after the Rotation List is created may nominate a unique category to be added to the extreme bottom of the list by posting it to the group. The category must adhere to the rules listed under Categories. After three days, if there are no objections the category will be added by the official listmaker. If there is any objection and a panel of three (last, current, and next read leaders) agree, the category will not be added.
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